Projet HANDIn Hand réalisé par 4 groupes d'élèves de Première. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour en savoir davantage sur ce projet.
Juillet 2017
What is your definition of a hero? This is the work produced by Daniel from 1 A2 , August 2016.
Superheroes 2016 from english santiago on Vimeo.
Intermediate task :
You've just been informed that you're the lucky winner of the Best Job in the World campaign. You give the news to your partner. Pay attention to the intonation.
This is the work produced by Pascale and Josefina from 1gr1, August 2016.
00001 from english santiago on Vimeo.
The best job in the world
Final task : Send a cover letter and make a 60-second video to apply for the Best Job In The World campaign. You will need to promote yourself in the best possible way : 1. Describe your personality and motivation. 2. Say what you are planning to do if selected by using structures expressing future actions. Be as creative as possible ! Your video will be viewed in class and a jury will sort out who the best candidate is. Watch the funny application video made by Florencia from 1ère group1! (June 2016)
Mi película (1) from english santiago on Vimeo.
Final Task:
A famous Chilean businessman is going to help students finance their gap year. You must convince him and record a video to do so.
Click below to watch the videos by Daniel and Sofia & Dominique from 1 PSU.
DSCN2357 from english santiago on Vimeo.
DSCN2356 from english santiago on Vimeo.